Tag Archives: Life

Vintage 1960s Design Inspiration – from the USA and former USSR

I love this photo from a 1960s Life magazine. The story is about finding a cure for cancer. The way in which this photo is taken makes it look like a painting to me. It reminds me of a certain artist's work...I just can't put my finger on it at the moment.

Last week I took Pascal on his morning walk. As I rounded the corner, I noticed a pile of old magazines just sitting, forlorn, on the sidewalk. Around Park Slope, people often just leave items on the sidewalk for anyone to take. So, I just had to grab them. It was an odd mix of Life magazines and communist themed magazines from the 1960s. Once I got home, I leafed through them and was completely taken by the beautiful photos and the simple and elegant page layouts. So, following are some of my favorites. Part of me wants to tear these magazines up and try my hand at collage making, part of me wants to take the photos out, as is, and frame them, then the other part of me wants to leave these magazines exactly as is. What to do?! Anyway, just thought I would share my find and pass on the inspiration!

– Stephanie, www.pressedinbrooklyn.com

A photo of Russian farmers. With all the grains making a dot pattern, this one reminds me of some paintings by Seurat.

I love the clean simplicity of this layout form USSR Soviet Life Today, circa 1962.

Beach time, Russian style! I love how the woman in the middle is still, basking in the warmth of the sun, separate from and oblivious to the the crowd.

A super trippy 1960s ad.

The Russian car of the future. I would love to have this, it could totally fit into just about any street parking spot.

I'm sorry, I will NOT be able to attend your dinner party...
One thing that has certainly improved is food staging and food photography. This just looks rough.

A very real fear of the time. It reminds me of all the old signs I see around NYC about buildings that contain fallout shelters.

Another great layout.

A story concerning flooding in Florence, Italy. It was very sad to see all the photos of art that was destroyed.

Another photo from the Life magazine story on finding a cure for cancer.

Jackie and Robert Kennedy from Life magazine.

Vintage ad for fur.

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Filed under Art, Photography